Friday, May 8, 2015

St Nicholas Albergati

Nicholas almost became a lawyer, but God had other plans. After studying law for a few years, Nicholas decided to join an order of priests called the Carthusians. When he was only 35 years old, he was made Bishop of his Diocese, even though he didn’t feel like he could do a good job. He was a very good Bishop and loved by all the people in his Diocese. He spent time with the people, even those that were poor. He lived a simple life and would care for those that needed help. He became a Cardinal in 1426 because he was a very wise man and a peacemaker. Pope Martin V and the Emperor of Rome and Pope Eugene IV and the French King always turned to Bishop Nicholas for help in keeping peace between the rulers. Blessed Nicholas is the patron of learning because he wrote lots of books and always helped people to learn more about God and their faith.

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