Wednesday, July 29, 2015

St Chrysologus

Peter was baptized a Christian after being taught by Bishop Cornelius of Imola, the town where Peter was born. He loved Jesus so much that he was later made a Deacon by Bishop Cornelius too. Pope Leo the Great, who is also a Saint, made Peter an Archbishop in Italy. He was an excellent priest and bishop and he helped lots of people believe in God. Archbishop Peter had a great gift of being able to speak to people in a way that they could understand, everyone loved to hear him speak during mass. This is why he is called St. Peter Chrysologus, because “chrysologus” means golden word and Peter knew how to share the golden word “the gospel” so well. He liked to explain really important things about God becoming human in Jesus (the Incarnation), the Creed (which is what we believe as a Church), about Mary, and about John the Baptist. He also talked a lot about how God sent Jesus His Son to come and save us from sin (Salvation). The Church thought he was such a great teacher that they named him a Doctor of the Church.

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