Friday, January 22, 2016

St John the almsgiver

John came from a rich family, was married and had a baby. John was a good Christian who used his money to help poor people. John became a Priest and a Bishop, after his wife and child went heaven. The Church gave him a very important job, to be the Bishop of Alexandria, Egypt. His job was to help the people there forgive each other and become a strong Church. He promised that he would give the people everything he could, "charity without limits." There were 7,500 poor people there when St. John got there and he promised he would protect them and made sure everyone had what they needed. John always gave as much as he could because when he was very young he had a dream. In his dream he saw a beautiful girl named “Charity”. This beautiful girl told him that she was the oldest daughter of the King. If you are devoted to me, she said, I will lead you to Jesus. No one is as powerful with him as I am. Remember, it was for me that he became a baby to save every person." This is why St. John is called "the almsgiver", because that means someone who always gives to other people.

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