Friday, April 29, 2016

St Pius V

St. Pius was named Anthony Ghislieri when he was born. His parents were very important people but they lost their riches and became poor. Anthony always wanted to become a priest, but his parents did not have the money to send their son to school. One day 2 Dominican priests visited the family and offered to teach Anthony. When he was 14 years old, he joined the Dominican Order and became a priest. He spent a number of years traveling to different Dominican houses and teaching people by his words and his example of Jesus’ great love. He was appointed Bishop and then Cardinal. In 1566 he was elected Pope and became Pope Pius V. He was a good Shepherd of his people. He spent many hours praying to God and he lived very simply, giving lots of money that would have been spent on celebrations to the poor instead. He started many new seminaries and built hospitals for the sick. As Pope, he chose to continue to wear his white Dominican robe instead of the papal robes. It is because of Pope Pius’ example that the Pope today wears a white robe. He was a servant to the people and lovingly renewed the Church in many good ways. He died in 1572.

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