Friday, February 12, 2016

St Meletius

St Meletius was born to a rich and important family. He became and priest and then later a Bishop. He loved to teach people about the Holy Trinity. There were people in his time that did not believe Jesus was God and did not believe in the Trinity. He spent many years trying to help them to understand the truth of the Trinity that God is 3 in 1 - God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. In 381 AD, the Bishops of the Church held a large meeting called the Council of Constantinople. St Meletius was in charge of leading these meetings. The people who did not believe in the Trinity were there. When they started to discuss the Trinity, St Meletius stood up. He faced the unbelievers and held out three fingers, to show the three Persons of the Trinity, then he held up one finger to show one God. He blessed the unbelievers and then a great light surrounded him and he said, “We understand three Persons and we speak of one God.” While these meetings were still happening he became sick and he died, but from these meetings the Catholic Church has a stronger belief in the Blessed Trinity.

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