Saturday, February 20, 2016

St Peter Damian

Peter Damian’s parents died when he was very young. He was sent to live with his oldest brother who treated him very badly. His brother often did not feed him and made him work very hard. When his other brother, whose name was Damian, learned how Peter was being treated he invited Peter to come live with him. Damian was a priest and he showed his younger brother great love and respect. When Peter was old enough to enter the monastery, he took the name Damian out of gratitude for all his brother had done for him. Peter Damian was a very prayerful and peaceful person. He was invited to many monasteries to help other monks grow in their faith and become closer to God. When he was older, he was called from the monastery to become a Bishop and then a Cardinal. He is remembered for his peacefulness and for always standing up for the Truth. He left the Church many wonderful teachings about Jesus and he has been made a Doctor of the Church.

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