Sunday, July 31, 2016

St Alphonsus Liguori

St. Alphonsus Liguori was born near Naples in Italy. He was a hard working student who became a very famous lawyer. One day he made a big mistake in court and decided to give up his law practice to become a priest. His father tried very hard to stop him but Alphonsus had made up his mind. He became a priest and was extremely happy serving God. His life was filled with activity. He preached, wrote many hymns and about 60 books. He also played the organ and painted pictures. He had lots of followers who became priests and he started an order called “Redemptorists”. St. Alphonsus was wise and good and guided the people who came to him bringing them peace through the sacrament of Reconciliation. He reminded people about God’s love for them and the importance of their religion. His sermons were very simple so everyone including children could understand what he said. The Pope wanted to make him a bishop but he was so humble that he gently said “no”. Then the Pope helped Alphonsus understand that it was important for him to become a bishop, as people in the area where he lived needed a shepherd. After he became bishop, he sent many of his preachers to preach the word of God to the people. As he got older he became ill and suffered much. He became crippled, deaf and almost blind but he loved Mother Mary and prayed for her help. When he was 91 years old, he died a very peaceful and holy death. Years after he died the Pope announced that St. Alphonsus was made a Doctor of the Church.

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