Sunday, March 5, 2017

Saint Colette

Nicollete was named in honor of St. Nicholas of Myra, but her parents gave her the nickname Colette from the time that she was just a little baby. When Colette was 17, her parents died and she went to live in the monastery where her father had worked. She lived next to the Church in a little hut and she spent her time praying and making sacrifices for the Church. People began to find out about how close Colette was to Jesus and they started going to her to ask for prayer and advice. She was very kind and gentle to everyone that visited her and she would pray that each person would find peace. She was also a member of the Franciscan Order and St. Francis appeared to her to ask that she would help the Sisters of the Poor Clares to be closer to God. She was not sure if she should really do this and because she doubted what God was asking of her, she became blind for 3 days and mute (she couldn'’t speak) for 3 more days. This was a sign for her that it was God asking her to help the Poor Clairs and so she travelled to the sisters and helped them to know and love and serve God better.

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