Sunday, March 6, 2016

Sts Perpetua & Felicity

During the time that Perpetua and Felicity were alive in Africa, people were not allowed to believe in Jesus. The ruler of North Africa would kill anyone that said they believed in Jesus. Even though Perpetua’'s father did not believe in Jesus, Perpetua did and she was willing to die for her faith. She was put into prison with her maid Felicity because of their faith in God. Perpetua'’s dad tried to get her to change her mind so that she would be saved, but she loved Jesus so much that she could not turn her back on him. When it was time for Perpetua and Felicity to die, they walked out of prison holding hands and they gave each other a kiss, as a Christian sign of peace. They both had cheerful faces because they knew that they were going to be with Jesus in heaven. They died martyrs deaths because of their faith in Jesus.

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