Wednesday, June 28, 2017

St Irenaeus

Irenaeus’ parents were faithful Catholics and while Irenaeus was still young he was sent to study under the Bishop of Smyrna, the great Saint Polycarp who had been a disciple of St. John.  Irenaeus knew that Bishop Polycarp was an amazing man and he carefully watched and listened to everything the bishop said, so that he could become holy like his teacher.  After studying many years with Bishop Polycarp he was sent to Lyons, France to help Bishop Pothinus (who later became a saint as well).  Many of the people in France were turning their hearts away from God and leaving the Church.  Irenaeus helped Bishop Pothinus teach them the Truth so that they would believe in Jesus again.  Bishop Pothinus made Irenaeus a priest, As a priest he spent lots of time teaching people about the faith and showing people that they were wrong to turn away from Jesus.  These teachings and the books that he wrote about the Catholic faith made him a Doctor of the Church.  He was killed because of his faith in God and became a martyr in Lyons, France.

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