Sunday, July 9, 2017

St Veronica Juliani

St. Veronica was named Ursula when she was born, and took the name Veronica when she entered a Capuchin convent when she was only 17 years old.  Even as a small child she was always thinking about God and doing acts of mercy for the poor around her.  She told her parents at a very young age that she wanted to join the convent, and even though her dad wanted her to get married, he finally agreed to let her go.  On the day she joined the convent, the Bishop told the leader of the convent that one day Veronica would be a Saint.  She is called a mystic of the Church, which means she was given very special gifts from God.  One of these gifts she received was that she was given the same wounds that Jesus got when he died on the cross; this is called the stigmata. She got holes in her hands and feet where Jesus was nailed to the cross, a hole in her side where they pierced Jesus with a sword and scrapes on her forehead where Jesus was hurt by the crown of thorns.  This gift reminded her how much Jesus suffered because He loved us so much and he wanted us to be in heaven with him.  She also received beautiful visions from God, pictures that she could see, but no body else could.  After she died her body did not go away, it stayed just as beautiful as when she was alive.

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