Monday, August 17, 2015

St Alberto

Alberto’s father died when Alberto was very young and his mother had to work very hard to care for her family. She was given some money to send Alberto to a good school run by the Jesuits and there Alberto learned more about Jesus and got a good education. He was then able to go on to study to become a lawyer. Instead of becoming a lawyer though, he became a Jesuit priest. He kept studying because he wanted to learn as much as he could so that he could help the people in his home town; so many of them were very poor and were helpless to do something to change their life. When he went back to Chile as a priest he set to work teaching kids that didn’t have a lot of hope in their life. He made sure that they got a good education so that they could one day get a job. He also made sure that they learned about God and had faith so that they could do good things with their life. He built shelters all around Chile called “Hogar de Cristo” (Home of Christ) that took care of children that didn’t have any homes and were getting into trouble. He also did a lot of work to try and teach everyone more about the Catholic faith and encourage more men to become priests, because there were so few in Chile. Many people came to know Jesus through Fr. Hurtado because he was always so joyful and willing to help everyone.

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